Please spay/neuter your pet
Why to spay/neuter my pet?
Other than the many health reasons, which I will get into later, is obvious.
Rescue/shelter workers are tired. We are trying to fight the good fight but it's increasingly hard to do with so many unwanted litters dumped in kill shelters or even in a dumpsters or on the side of the road, left to die. So many senseless killings could be avoided by simply spaying/neutering.
Pyometra is a often a life threatening uterine infection in female dogs that can be 100% avoided by spaying. Spaying eliminates the risk of ovarian and uterine cancer and greatly reduces the risk of breast cancer.
A spayed dog is less likely to escape boundaries to find a mate when in heat, also reducing the risk of being lost or hit by a car. Neutering your male reduces his risk of prostatic disease and hernias. A neutered male is less likely to develop testicular cancer. The marking of the territory is reduced in neutered dogs.
In general, your pet will live a longer, healthier life.
According to the latest statistics, approximately 689,000 dogs and cats in shelters are euthanized. Only 10% of animals brought into shelters are spayed/neutered. So you can understand our frustration.
Updated statistics are from the World Animal Foundation. You can check the website for more information